Beginning with Q and R | Idioms and Phrases| General English for Competitive Exams

Idioms and Phrases beginning with Q & R

1. Queer fish – Strange person.
2. Quite the thing – Very fashionable and popular.
3. Question of time – Something will surely happen.
4. Quake in one’s boots – To be frightened or nervous.
5. Rags to riches – Start as poor but after sometimes become rich.
6. Rain cats and dogs – To rain heavily.
7. Red-handed – Caught while doing crime.
8. Red-letter day – An important day.
9. Root and branch – Completely.
10. Rough time – Hard or difficult time.
11. Run out of steam – Lose energy or enthusiasm.
12. Running battle – An argument that continues for an extended period.
13. Run helter-skelter – Carelessly hurried; confused.
14. Red Tape – Official rule which acts as hurdle.
15. Rule the roost – Acts as dominant over other, or act as boss.

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