76-foot Asteroid rushing towards earth today, says NASA

Published by

2nd January, 2023

es online Sci/Tech Desk

Image: Unsplash

NASA has issued an alert to the people this New Year. NASA said that today a big asteroid is moving towards the Earth. an asteroid known as 2022 YG5.

Image: Unsplash

According to NASA, this asteroid is 72 feet big and is moving very fast towards the Earth. 

Image: Unsplash

This asteroid named 2022 YG5 will pass near the Earth from a distance of 3.7 km.

Image: Unsplash

According to NASA, this asteroid has been moving towards the Earth for a long time.

Image: Pixabay

NASA said that it will move towards the earth at a speed of 25680 km/h, which is almost double that of a hypersonic missile.

Image: Pixabay

Although earlier this asteroid was said to pass close to the Earth on the 1st Jan 2023, now it will pass today on the 2nd Jan.

Image: Pixabay

NASA further said that this asteroid can be destroyed long ago, due to which it will neither cause any harm to the earth nor earth's surface.

Image: Unsplash


